Rockin' the train

2years 331days

Leisurely day, and its been lovely. We pottered at home without too much panic. She wanted to "sharesies the bath" - aka me get in with her. So we sharesied the bath. We then got ready and got a train to Scarborough. I took her to GrannyGrandads house, where she played for a couple of hours and I did a photo job. When I arrived back she'd just eaten a huge brunch, after a big breakfast and train snacks, and still asked for cereal after lunch!

The exciting bit of the afternoon came then - I got to meet my baby bunnies!! 10days ago, I got a call from my dad who had been bunnysitting during our summer adventures. He said "you no longer have 2 rabbits". I thought he was telling me someone had died. He went on "we dont know how many rabbits you have". Bert was in fact not a boy. Bert was all lady. And produced three stunning little kits. We have been following guidelines (including separate a very bewildered Ernie, which led to a bit of pining from them both - he'd been showing signs of being a rather lovely daddy to them, and a very snuggly partner to Bert. Too snuggly clearly). Part of the guidelines is a little human intervention as possible. So cleaning has been moving the nest area as little as possible while still keeping it nice.

But today, today we took them (and the snuggly clean top bit of their lovingly made nest, which their mummy had made) and made them a temporary box nest to clean them. This was the first proper look I got at them. Ohhh my word. THey are totally adorable. One black, one grey, one white. Perfect litter of healthy babies. Katie was thrilled to bits and so thoughtful. She whispered quietly. She gently fed bits to Bert and watched the babies amazed. She then spent 15minutes snuggled with me as I snuggled Ernie. Who is currently recovering from The Op.

A brief but fun trip to the park, playing ball under the "No Ball Games" sign before we headed for our train home. She found the inflatable guitar in my bag from the shoot and it served a useful purpose of keeping awake a toddler that otherwise was considering early snoozing!

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