Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

S'not Fair.....

Our little grand-daughter went through a phase where whenever she couldn't have her own way she flung herself to the floor ( a bit like Mrs DB) or the nearest comfortable spot and exclaimed, "S'not fair". This was usually followed by a short silence while she waited for someone to change their minds. There were rarely tears and even more rarely did she get her own way. She's grown out of it now. I'm still working on Mrs DB.

At the hotel in Oban there was a 'Huffy Doll' sulking in a corner of the large Victorian hall and she reminded us of our gorgeous little grand-daughter. We often laughed about it with the owners and to our surprise when we left last Thursday they'd wrapped it up and gave it to us. (I asked for the pair of Rennie MacIntosh chairs too but they firmly and politely refused).

Anyway, 'Huffy' now resides in England and between visits she'll serve as a happy reminder of our great little girl in Sydney.

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