Sea Breeze

A warm night, followed by a warm morning - 23 degrees by 10am.  We thought we'd catch the 'cool' of the day and take a short trip down to the coast at Emsworth.  The sea breeze reduced the temperature a little and as we walked along the quay we watched children being taught to sail in the large pond next to the sea.  At the sailing club we could hear people diving into the swimming pool - ah, how lovely that must have been!  After a wander and an icecream we returned home for lunch, as we travelled the roads to the coast were jammed with traffic and we were pleased we'd made an early visit. 

This is a picture of the view across Chichester Harbour from Emsworth.  I am still getting to know my Panasonic camera so I am a little frustrated that the focus is on the grasses in the foreground and not on the boats in the background.  Hopefully I will do better next time!

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