A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

My how they've grown...

In volume and mass...I think, I'm not the family scientist. But if you flick back to previous years (I'll add links later but can't on the iPhone) you can see for yourself.

Taking the opportunity of a quiet moment between theatrical performance and MrB's birthday party to blip. The kids with the flowers have just performed in Singin' in the Rain - Cam as the lead. Excellent show, fabulous fun and superstar godson being all grown up, talented and all round splendid. I may be bias but I checked with his other godparents, family and friends and they thought so too. Logan meanwhile is a brilliantly hilarious, comedy scene stealer.

And now I have been abandoned by the kids who want to get a head start on the partying. They somehow thought that was more fun than popping home to collect Carlos and my folks.

I feel like I'm using this a lot at the moment but still, happy days.

Lesley x



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