
By Sevan

Pink Black Mountain

It's always tempting to take pictures of the Telstra tower. Today I gave in.

After waking up a bit hungover, I went into Uni to tinker with a few things, then headed to a barbecue up in Lyneham. Werner swung by as he was test driving his potential new Land Rover and we all got a ride - it seems pretty good! Four wheels and an engine and all that...

Afterwards we went out for coffee. Never have been "out" for the sole purpose of getting coffee.

Later in the evening I headed to a house warming part at Henry and Andy's new flat. I met Omar the bearded dragon, and Captain Franklin the turtle. He has the calm collected face of a psychopathic killer. We fed him live crickets, and pondered whether he though we were God, or simply a source of food.

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