Definite Improvement

Took the gun to the range today, second time and determined to do a bit better. My last visit was an entirely random affair and really quite depressing.

First thing I did was rule out whether the sights were good or not. They are good. So it's just me being retarded then.

My first target board was a bit random to start with. Placed the bullets exactly like last time - bottom left of the bullseye. But changed my grip during the first 100 rounds, and started to get a much higher percentage of bulls by the end.

On the second session, 7 shots in, 5 were bulls, and the wretched target sheet fell off! Which means waiting 17 minutes or so for the session to end to sort it out. However, chap in the booth next to me had long since finished, saw my predicament, and gave me his totally unused sheet and booth to use - which was nice of him.

Only problem was that fluorescent orange on white is not the clearest of targets, but I did my best. The end result was that everything landed within the 9 if it had been my usual target sheet.

On the left is the remains of the target sheet underneath my first one, and the right is my second session (although a couple of stray shots are another chap who was firing a very malfunctioning AR15 22LR).

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