Year Three

By RobotChicken

Final Day of Travelling.

Well, after severa; long years apart, myself and my wife will be sharing a life together for the first time tonight. Having a relationship spanning two different countries has been hard work, and I can't say I'm going to miss it. Whenever I hear someone say "we've been apart for 3 weeks, I don't know how I'll cope" the eyes do roll somewhat. Try 5 months (last year) and then being apart gets to hurt.

It's been a day of traveling, a very long day of traveling, well, if sitting around this airport for 8 hours can be called traveling. But it's the end of a very long journey both physically and emotionally.

Tonight I'll be at home, and there will be no leaving dates looming in the future, no visa dates to leave the country by, nothing to go back to in the UK, and all that jazz.

Just about held it together as the plane left the ground earlier today. Not going to miss the UK as much as I'll miss friends and family. Going to take a lot of work to find new friends, especially as I'm not exactly an outwardly going person.

Figure I'll make a nice return to the mopar scene this weekend. Hit the ground running as it were, although I'm not sure what K will say about me wanting to go out on Saturday night - more or less a day after I get home. But I figure there is no time to lose now.

It will be odd finding my own space in the next few weeks though, rather than the temporary space that I've always been used to; a bit of space here and a bit of space there, nothing feeling particularly permanent as I'll always be moving on.

On a different note though, I am so glad my 2 months away from K are up. I overheard a conversation earlier, one of those loud people who just want to be heard, clearly, by everyone in earshot "man, I've been travelling non stop for 3 whole weeks, it'll be good to stop". 3 weeks eh pal? Try 2 months and sleeping in the back of a van for 45 of those days! Then tell the world about how long you've been travelling for!

Waiting for my next flight now, and we're down to 3 hours in this particular seat. Might go and find coffee shortly.

Strange thing has happened whilst I've been away - I suddenly have very little tolerance of milk at the moment in tea and coffee. Milk is turning my stomach. For the last 3 weeks I've very little milk at all, preferring black coffee, and I haven't really had proper milk for 2 months. The first two/three weeks was instant dried milk which really doesn't count. 10 years ago I was addicted to tea with full fat milk and 2 sugars. Today, I could not touch such a drink and would opt for a strong black coffee with no sugar. How things change.

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