
The day got off to an inauspicious start when Sophie was sick just as Kate pulled up in the drive way to drop her off this morning. Sophie was sent straight off for an early bath, while we mopped down the car seat and surrounding areas! Fortunately, having got that off her chest, as it were, she was fine for the rest of the day.

Another survivor was Chris's new wardrobe: thanks to our friend Tony's wizardry, we had it resurrected by lunchtime, with the aid of a couple of discreetly placed bits of batten.

I passed my audition as carpenter's mate, passing tools and screws, holding said battens and nodding sagely at appropriate times. This afternoon, I put the drawers together and added the handles so that it now looks like a fully functioning wardrobe

Finally, our Asiatic Lily seems to have survived last week's attack from the dreaded Scarlet Lily Beetle ( and is now blooming marvellously.

All's well that ends well.

Eye Of The Tiger Lily?

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