Par Threes

This was taken from the back of the Par 3 5th hole on this morning's round where, in an unprecedented break with tradition, all 3 of us scored par 3s, despite none of us actually being on the green after our tee shots (which isn't unprecedented!). Incidentally, this was the hole where Henri scored his 'phantom' hole-in-one 3 years ago this week:

Also unprecedented was the fact that I managed to par all the par threes and equal my best score from last Thursday. I'm being threatened with having my handicap lowered and / or my new clubs thrown in the pond in front of the 4th.

On the subject of things unprecedented, it makes a pleasant change to see England playing so well in a major tournament. Another exciting game and performance this afternoon and the late goal went in at the right end this time, though there was a lot of anguish and tension on the part of Chris & me in front of the tele!

Let's hope both we and Wales can win our final games now; both teams deserve to go through.

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