One Horse Power

It was a busy day for me today ................. a lot of taxi driving!
Kids to school, SWMBO to the doctor, SWMBO to be weighed (which is when I noticed the horse at my feet while I sat in the car waiting), SWMBO to the shops (where she went and sat in the cafe and I did the shopping).

Of course there was also a fair bit of Shanks' Pony too ........ dog walking, collecting  Squirrel, then collecting The Cygnet (who announced after lunch that somebody had thrown his snack box containing his tooth which fell out at school over a fence and into the woods).
So it was walk all the way back to school (with the monsters on their bikes), find where the box had been thrown and then walk round the school to fight my way into the undergrowth.
I found the box ... minus lid and tooth. Further questioning about the lid reveals he left that in his tray in the class and just had the tooth in the box!
Idiot!!!!  --  No Tooth Fairy tonight then!

On the way back we stopped at the play park and the monsters spent nearly an hour climbing up the rope tower and down - (not up as it looks here)  the tube slide. Squirrel looks like she is in mid air here.

It was then home to quietly watch a Roald Dahl film where Squirrel made up for our forgetting the charity awareness day at school .......... pants for people in 3rd world countries (something we take for granted).
If you are of a nervous disposition look away now to avoid Hannibal - The Early Years.

The other day I mentioned to Ogatodomar that I had to find a way to hold a bit of wood together which has split during turning.
I don't think his suggestion of superglue will work on this. It is slightly too large and goes all the way through.

I am away for a whisky and a ponder.

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