Self Portrait?

SWMBO and I took Squirrel to the zoo today (no way were we paying over £27 to take her to Dunbar with the nursery school ..... They insisted on having 1 : 1 supervision).

Since we all have membership for the zoo it cost us fuel and 1/2 a pizza.

The weather was not great (but a lot better than East Lothian apparently) and a lot of the animals chose to stay inside ..... can't say I blame them.
This meant that my pictures were not great due to very little, artificial light.

I did like some though.
One of the ones that did please me was a lemur inside.
There are several other shots if you scroll though from that one - including the noisiest bird in the world, the baby chimp and the elusive giant panda who we managed to catch during the 5 minutes she appeared in the 4 hours we were there (they sleep for about 17 hours a day).

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