In between days (birthdays)

We are now between two very important birthdays as it is H's tomorrow, we therefore thought it would be good to all go out. Which was excellent, I think Alfie actually managed to fill himself up (a first).

Lot's going on since my last blip, Bill came over last night with a guitar and we ran through a load of songs we've never played before, excellent fun hopefully we'll keep up some momentum and manage a level of competence that is just short of utterly cringeworthy ;)
More amazing though is that Poppy has done her first homework ever... Oh yes and it only took us about an hour of nagging to get her to do it.

In animal news, hoppy chicken (we had a very lame chicken) is now less hoppy, Alfie was convinced that George dog had died and came rushing through to tell me, I pointed out that dogs rarely snore when they are dead, Lilly cat has killed a bird, a mouse and at least one other small furry thing today. Madness.......

More amazingly though, I washed the car ;)

Wife and child number 1 large

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