On Shaky Foundations, Peters Village

Another shot for my project. I loved the graphic quality of the scaffolding and protective fencing against this amazing sky. When you see the beginning of construction like this it always look as if it's on shaky foundations, as if everything is too spindly and fragile to support anything.
Reminded me, strangely, of the election. The Tories thought they had built solid foundations for a landslide victory but it all turned to dust. I really thought that the Maybot would get away with it all but, thank God, people, especially young people, saw through it and voted against her very poor, negative manifesto. Never underestimate the intelligence of your audience or you will end up looking like a defeated fool. I live in very solid Tory land (my local MP is still a Conservative) but I would, and always will, vote even if my preferred candidate has little or no chance of winning. I got my pleasure from watching the nasty party get what they deserved. Maybe they will now do more listening and less talking down to us - here's hoping!

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