Allotments, Aylesford

Absolutely pissed it down this morning so decided to stay indoors until it relented a bit. I've bought a couple of more photography books (the addiction is ongoing!) recently, both superb in very different ways, both in black and white, so decided to have a browse through those.
 The first one is called 36 Views  by Fyodor Telkov and the other People in Cars by Mike Mandel. This second book does what it says on the tin - it is images he took in the Seventies and early Eighties of people in their cars that he shot when they stopped at intersections waiting for the lights to change. It sounds unpromising but the photographs are full of humour, insight, puzzlement, anger and reflections (both literally and metaphorically). I can't recommend both books highly enough.
Eventually, the rain relented long enough for me to pop to the shops and go for a quick pint (it is my day off!). On the way back the cloud cover started to increase and go darker and darker but I managed to get today's shot just before another squally shower appeared. However, as I'm sitting here writing this the bloody sun has come out - typical!

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