Brighton Blue

Well actually, the majority of Brighton and Hove is actually red now after Labour knocked Conservatives off their seat in our area.  The only bit that isn't is Brighton Pavilion which retained their Green seat, but Caroline Lucas is an excellent MP so I'm not surprised.

I've not got involved with all the comments that have been flying around as to be honest after Brexit, I've had enough of it.  I have to say though that it's a bit of a mess being left with a Hung Parliament, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I'm now working Fridays for the next three weeks, doing holiday cover, so I had to be up early as the shift I'm covering is the morning reception, having to open up the surgery at 8am and I finished at 2pm. I really like this shift as it gets me up and out, but mainly because it's busy so the time flies, and I get to see more people as we have a lot of consultants that hire room space from us, and they tend to come mostly in the morning.

This morning I met Pascal who is a French doctor - I've only ever seen him in passing, and when he arrived, I spoke to him in French.  His face was a picture as he obviously wasn't expecting that!  Anyway, we had a nice conversation in French and I explained about having had the house in France and living in Belgium.  He was impressed that we'd learnt to speak the language as he said many people who move to another country don't even try, and that the French really appreciate it if someone makes the effort.  As much as I enjoyed speaking French with him, it was good, as we set off on the right foot,  and it was a very pleasant start to the day.

I was home for 2.30pm, and Alan was working from home, so we decided that once he'd finished we'd have a walk down to the beach and go for a drink.  It was still really windy though and there was hardly anyone on the Undercliff Walk, we watched some kite surfers out at sea, they were having a great time!  The seagulls were enjoying the wind too and were gliding past us and over our heads, and I managed to capture this one as he flew over.  

We sat in the garden at the Queen Vic pub and we had a nice sheltered, sunny spot.  We could hear a bird singing very loudly and Alan thought it was a Blackbird, but it landed on a fence post and turned out to be a little Wren which is Alan's favourite bird.  It's song was amazing, we've seen them before but never heard them singing.  I managed to get a photo of her mid song, but she was in the shade so I've had to enhance it a bit (see my extra).

After our drink, we decided to catch the bus home as my ankle was hurting and I didn't fancy walking uphill in the wind, although it probably would have pushed us home!  We opened up the Palace and sat in there for a while and had another drink as it was lovely warm.

Anyway, it's the start of the weekend, hope you have a good one!

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