Can't do nice things.

So tenants left one of the houses. Bit annoying as I didn't want this place empty until later in the year when I could have it back and work on it at leisure. Second time this has happened this year - getting a rental back earlier than expected.

Tenant copped a real attitude to rent back in July for no real reason. Then I discover that they are moving out today leaving unpaid rent. So served the eviction notice a few days ago, pay up or quit the property and they have quit. Now I've a battle ahead to get the outstanding rents paid up - but I know they are in the area somewhere so shouldn't be too difficult to track down.

But it's all rather annoying. This property will now stand empty till at least November as there are other more pressing properties to get ready for rental.

What annoys me the most is the bad taste it leaves - in future we'll have to put the eviction notices up much earlier and not give people the benefit of doubt, or be lenient like we have in the past. The adage comes true "can't do anything nice for tenants".

The sad thing is that they threw out lots of their belongings, including a high school text book. They ain't cheap!

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