Getting ready

She started the day being quite brave about doing a rather difficult job of fixing something of a pickle she'd created. She found it quite tough but I was very proud of her for doing it. We got absolutely drenched on the school run. I spent the day getting wet repeatedly. She didn't get outside at school at all.

She's enjoying their days at the moment- they're doing a lot of work on their class iPads, so much so they've each got temporary assignment of their own iPad (having her own wallpaper on her iPad amuses her a lot!) She said they've done "ALL OUR WORK!!!!" on them maths, literacy, design, random nature videos....

I picked her up early as normal and we got soaked yet again cycling home. She dried off and got ready for class. She skips in so happy, barely stopping to give me a kiss. She came out as bouncy after class.

While she'd been at school, I had blitzed her room. She was extremely excited about it but it did mean that when she got back in from ballet there was absolutely no way she was going straight to bed!

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