
By conventgirl

A Discus and her babies

Had planned to go out for a walk with fellow blipper Gatekeeper today. The weather wasn't good so we decided to head out in the car and see where it led us. First we found a lovely village church, then a garden centre and finally an aquatic centre. We went in solely with the idea that we might be able to take a few photos - not to buy anything! Well, it was great fun and I think the staff thought we were quite mad. Getting good shots was very difficult due to reflections and the fact that the fish wouldn't stay still long enough but this Discus was preoccupied with the eggs. It does appear as if she is eating them but I hope not.
2 brief stops at our regular insect hunting grounds rounded off a lovely day out.

Thank you all for your lovely comments on yesterdays anniversary/ Mono Monday blip.

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