
By Livra

Tufted duck

Went to Hoggansfield Loch today. Windy but sunny. It was a bit early for Whooper Swans but the Mute swans were there. There were also coot, moorhen, Great Crested Grebe, loads of gulls and tufted ducks.

When I walked round there were 4 geese. One was a white farmyard escapee, one looked like a greylag but with a white head, one looked like a greylag but had a different shaped beak with a black tip and the fourth again looked a greylag with a peculiar shaped beak. It was black, had a highly raised bit at the forehead and was longer than the others (couldn't get a decent shot as it kept putting its head down). All hybrids of some kind. (geese will be geese especially greylags)

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