Wet rose

There are lots of drippy plants on Blip today, so I thought I should add a contribution.  This rather pretty yellow rose was a housewarming gift to W in his previous house (the house that was meant to be his "forever" house, until his life was disrupted by me).  Its name, if ever known, is long lost.

It is a standard rose, and has done a good job of surviving considerable neglect over the last few years, in a pot.  This year, we found it a spot in the garden, and planted it out.  There are now quite a few buds on it, but this is the first flower.  W brought along to this house lots more roses in tubs, all of which are trying their best to thrive, despite our neglect.  We hope give them some TLC this year, so maybe next year I can blip some other roses.

It's cold and windy, as well as a bit wet, out there this evening.  I'm sure the garden is enjoying the rain, though I think we could enjoy it more if there were rather less wind.

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