We're really happy...
with the new look Wombat Hollow!!
We have a wonderful gardener, Michael who has been helping us out here at Wombat Hollow for a couple of months now. It's so great to have someone to help us with the heavy lifting. Just recently when we were putting the track through again to rejuvenate Wombat Rock we took advantage of having the bobcat on site and Ben the bobcat driver very kindly cleared quite a large are out in front of the lower deck.
Today we came home to see the end result. It has just totally transformed this particular area and we now have a very attractive talking circle. I had to laugh today when I was telling Beckett what we had done. He thought perhaps the talking circle might have been a turning circle for people who decided they wouldn't make the trek to the rock!! Now we won't have any of that Beckett :-)
Sitting down below amongst the banksias is a joy, particularly later in the afternoon when its peak hour for the bird life out here. We're just so looking forward to sharing this area with our blip buddies.
I have added a couple of extra images today to show you the talking circle before and also an image looking down from the deck.
It has only taken 19 years to achieve this landscaping, you wouldn't want to rush these things now would you :-) What's the old saying, "Good things are worth waiting for"!!
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