Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

954. MM176 Blip names....

I'm always a bit reluctant to use my real name on sites such as Blip because it is public but I have never experienced any issues with Blip and many of the people on here know my real name as they also have connected either by email or on Facebook and I have been fortunate enough to meet one of the most amazing fellow Blippers this year, Subjunctive and that was just so wonderful!

My first name isn't Yana...it's Yasmin...my middle name is Yana and I have the dubious honour of being named after Rita Hayworth"s daughter who's Father was the Aga Khan...not because of any royal or celebrity connections but because my Mom was a huge Rita Hayworth fan!

My original journal title was Blip365 but that has turned into almost three years so needed to change....those of you who have followed my journal also know that I have two adorable grandchildren, the youngest of which is 2 years old this week...as I have a camera of some sort with me at all times I have been renamed Granny Click Click!

So there you have it...my name and it's origins and my journal title...

Thank you to Dollykgray for hosting....

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