Photos, Music and nibbles

It was overcast today with the rain not far away. IsleMum picked me up with a car full of excited children plus her Big Ones and young pup at 6 and we all headed for a Garden Party at Avoch Primary in the next village.
We looked at the Photography exhibition that showed photos taken by the children of their view of Childhood in the Highlands. Really interesting seeing the variety of photos and great to see so many taking part. IsleMums youngest did really well coming third with a fab photo of a row of welly boots and one of our Brownies came 1st winning a digital camera with her photo of  teddy and her hamster eating  carrot.
We listened to the orchestra play a number of tunes, all doing really well to concentrate as there was alot of noise from the room as people chatted and looked at the photos and old registers and artefacts from the schools past. The old school bell was on display and the belt that was used to discipline children right up to the 1980's !
After a few tasty nibbles and a drink served by the P7's we all went outside in the drizzle to see the School choir, The Avochapellas ( what a great name) sing a few songs. All under cover in 'Betsy' the new outside classroom. Lots of the Brownies were singing, most of the songs I had been treated to hearing on Tuesday and all sang with great passion.
Back inside for more music by the Orchestra and the prize giving and then back home.
I popped into the garden to take a photo of this flag iris which had just started to uncurl it's petals.

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