Bell Ringing

Tonight I had a great initiation into the wonderful world of bell ringing.
Living so close to the church I knew that thursday night is practice night and I had always meant to pop in to take some pictures.
So after having a chat with Pauline, popping in, involved a circular climb up to what I suppose is the Belfry?.
Tonight a load of local children had turned up for practice and it was great to see their first bell ringing steps.
John an experienced bell ringer took me up to the bell tower, where I couldn't help but think of Quasimodo.
One of the many things I learned this evening was a bell ringing rule that any bell ringer from anywhere is always welcome to join in on practice night and a chap from Reading was warmly welcomed. (Albeit with a little trepidation as he took what appeared to be a bandage off his arm).
A super bunch of people and a wonderful thing to do in a fantastic place.
In the words of Arnold Shwarzeneger 'Ill be back!'

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