Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

Bed time chats

Trying to remember this verbatim.

Eve: I want to be an author when I grow up so I can write a book and keep it my head and read it to you in heaven. Then I will come back down and let everyone else read it. But you will be first.

What is heaven like mummy?

Mummy - I don't know but I imagine it will be somewhere where you can hang out with your friends and listen to music and meet people you missed or wanted to meet and sleep when you want.

Eve - I think it will be somewhere with the best play park and everyone you love there and where you can easily get to fairyland and do magic.

Eve - I wish I knew how a snail felt, I mean really felt, what it was thinking.

Mummy - It's time to sleep now...

Eve - You will live to a hundred though, even more!

Mummy - We'll see..


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