Secret Garden
This rose bush, at the bottom of the garden, was discovered by the kids last year. Soon*, I will build a path through the chest high weeds (this shot taken over them) to it so we can enjoy it close up.
So, today TallGirl turned sixteen. I'm not quite sure how that happened. It seems that there is little fanfare for turning 16 in France, in fact it seems that there is very little that changes at that age. So, now, TallGirl can work at any job she chooses, and pay tax for the privilege. Turns out, she's been able to drive since she was fifteen, yes, and the other thing too. She still can't vote here, she can't even join the army, in fact the only change I can find is that she can go into a nightclub but not buy a drink: and, frankly, what's the point of that?
Happily, TallGirl's teachers were doing training today so she had no school. So we did some leisurely shopping in the morning, had pancakes for lunch, and mostly played with bunnies in the afternoon.
Obviously, I had more painting to do, and then chose the hottest part of the day to do some ill-advised digging in the garden. FaceTime with Mr B, and then off into Lavaur to buy some post holders from a man in a carpark, as you do.
Very unsatisfactory response from the school on my letter of yesterday. I think I may have to give this up as a lost cause. The one positive is that the school is responsible for marking the oral and will presumably want everyone to do well. Still, not ideal.
*Well, it's definitely on the list.
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