TallGirl is fifteen.
And even taller.
A day requiring minute-perfect organisation... The morning getting everything ready for a no-time-to-lose-but-we-mustn't-make-it-feel-rushed pancake lunch and present opening ceremony; then the lunch; then off to the far away airport with Mr B. The journey is 90 minutes each way, with a following wind. So leaving exactly three hours between leaving and having to pick the kids up after school, in a car so dodgy we don't dare drive on the motorway, in the rain... was somewhat stressful. But all went well.
With TallGirl off school tomorrow because her teachers are away (no substitutes...) we had a late night watching all the West Wing. Oh, if only life were so...
So a low-key birthday, but I think she enjoyed it. (At least she didn't make Sunday's mistake and eat so much cake that she had to have a little lie-down.)
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