Munchie day

A rare mummy and Munchie morning
We took wom to nursery then headed to McDonald's for breakfast
She loved it as the tablets were working and we could sit at the high tables

From here we drove to the stables (she was allowed her car seat on the front seat)

A lovely trek on the ponies, I walked th me route with them but was right at the back which was a first for her. She coped brilliantly and is saying she wants to do a summer fun day (fingers crossed she says this come the summer)

From ponies we went to the farm for lunch. Another first. She went off to the play park on her own, coming back every few minutes to see me.

We picked up wom, who was very sleepy, and headed home. I had hoped they might have a snooZe as I had a massive headache, but no such luck. Ended up putting them to play in munchies room whilst I had a shower, which helped.

We've spent the afternoon drawing, watching tv and playing.

Bedtime isn't going well at the moment

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