We do love Croome

Met munchies friend here along with her mummy, big brother and flapjack the dog
We walked a huge route, apart from two little carries, Wom walked it all. Felt dreadful when I discovered his nappy had rubbed him but a new one and some magic cream worked wonders.

Lunch there then home

Both fell asleep on way back
Both slept on the sofa for an hour until I woke them up so we could go shoe shopping.

Shoe shop was rammed!
Got what we wanted
Left much lighter in the pocket but can't really skimp on shoes!

More bike riding practice - she does it on her own then gets scared when she realises she's doing it on her own!

Ready beds arrived. Not entirely convinced munchies hasn't got a puncture - sending woms back as however hard I tried it just wouldn't blow up like the picture - going for bigger size for him too.

Daddy away
Already had tears because we are tired and miss him
Bedtimes not going well at the moment!

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