CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot


A bright, sunny day

A restful morning, lunch in the sunshine and then afternoon Bible Study.

Our garden is so full of colour and beautiful flowers I am continuing the theme of beauty in the midst of evil with theis lovely dahlia. It isn't that I think we should ignore the evil, rather that we balance our minds with a more positive intake.

It seems to me that we need to do the same during Election cycles, whether here in the UK or elsewhere. People treat others with appalling disrespect - in the case of media interrogators with seeming glee if the 'victim' stumbles at all. It seems impossible to believe that there could come a day when parties realised that the scale of problems would be better solved with a collaborative approach.  I imagine that many feel that 'none of the above' with be a useful option to tick on the Ballot paper.

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