Tiny Tuesday .....
Happy, Happy Day!
I was so thrilled to see this tiny chippy scurrying around our backyard this morning. After not seeing one in forever I had given up hope of having them visit us this summer.
A about a month ago I found a tiny piece of a chippy tail and thought the worst .... that one of the stray cats had gotten to him/her. Sadly, that very well could have happened but I am just glad that there is at least one chippy left to come for a visit. I simply love them so and I was very down thinking I wouldn't see any this summer.
I hope he/she keeps coming back and that he/she stays away from the cats!
I have added an extra of him/her peeking over the edge of the sidewalk at me! I was inside the sun room with the doors wide open taking my pictures of the chippies and squirrels. He/she was a little apprehensive of me but that didn't stop him/her from enjoying all the peanuts. (I hope I will be able to figure out it's gender soon! Then I won't have to write he/she!)
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