Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

In the place no pet parent wants to be.  I woke at 5 a.m. and instinctively new something wasn't right.  Doyle was behaving weirdly, like she was in a trance, and I knew we had to get her to the hospital right away - she has kidney failure.  The emergency doctor doesn't believe it's related to the adrenal mass.  Tests showed her potassium was good (from my medicating her) and no infections in blood work or urinalysis as a cause for the kidneys to fail.  She's on a drip and will be in hospital for a projected 3 days.  They've given her anti-nausea and pain meds.  Tomorrow her internist will be in and she will have another scan to see if something has aggressively changed since the one last month - that one (and the accompanying biopsy and blood work) had given her the all clear, and shown her kidneys to be healthy, for the surgery to remove the adrenal mass that we have been in the midst of scheduling.  Well, with this kidney failure - if she survives it - has put that out of consideration, she won't survive the surgery.

I signed what felt like a million documents and tried not to cry all over paperwork, the one asking if I wanted her resuscitated pretty much was the last straw.  We have some scary days ahead and some potentially unhappy decisions in front of us if we get that far.  

The nurses and doctor said to call anytime to check in on her and that we were welcome to come in to see her and give her some love - we are going in again in a little bit.  Poor, poor Doyle.

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