
Friends who are family?! 
Danny took Nate out on a prayer walk this morning, so I had a chance to do all sorts of jobs that have been piling up. It felt good!
The Claytons came over for lunch this afternoon...lovely to have time with them all before they headed to the airport & back to the UK.
Then this evening was D-Arte for Asha & Caña Club for us. I love seeing these friends regularly...seeing the café staff each week...catching up... Ibiza is great for friends to party with, but not so great for friends to do life with, the ups the downs, the exciting bits and the mundane bits...I think that's why Caña Club has been a hit, it fills a niche.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A morning of getting on top of tasks.
2) Sitting round our kitchen table with Abby, Charlie & felt like old times! (Extra pic of Abby & Nate)
3) Asha loving her day in the big class...she even met her new teacher-to-be, David. Think the fruit kebabs went down well - the boxes came back empty! 

Asha was shattered, in fact she fell asleep this afternoon...hence the slumpy body language in the pic! 

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