Mary Poppins

We had an early start today! She was up about 530 and realised that because our neighbours above us have moved out, we essentially live in a detached house at the moment. So by 615 she was on the piano!

She was fed, dressed and ready to leave by 815. Today she had an RAD 'Mary Poppins themed musical theatre workshop in Doncaster. We even left in time to stop for a take away breakfast.

I dropped her off at the workshop and returned 2.5 hours later for their wee presentation. My little lady was Mary Poppins! She sang loads of Supercali (the west end version) from memory, solo. Including the spelling it out bit. She was a little shy at first but then was fab!

After the workshop, we drove back most of the way home but stopped to meet a friend at a pick your own strawberries place we know that had a big sign saying "open this weekend" when we'd passed this morning. Except it wasn't the PYO that was open, just a wee shop selling other people's produce. This is the third occasion we've tried to pick and haven't been able to! We have decided we won't return now. We went to the garden centre instead and had a wander round. We went for a cuppa and Katie & I shared very lovely cheese on toast. She was flagging part way through and had a strop in the farm shop so I took her outside. She cuddled into my lap whilst still telling me "You're always so mean to me... I love you... you're mean". Seven year old heads are tricky places to live inside.

We left G and drove home. She'd cheered up at being offered a sweetie before we left. She remembered a couple of things we needed and suggested we park the car at home then go to the shop for them. She was absolutely back on form....

When we got home, she watched some of Sound of Music. She decided to have a bowl of cereal then did what turned out to be a brilliant clarinet practice. She turned her nose up briefly when I'd suggested doing it but then she did all her current pieces, her blues scales and some improv then sightread four or five pieces, just for funsies!

She watched the end of sound of music before bed. We started the Faraway Tree tonight. She'd taken a little convincing to let me start it. I read the first two chapters and said "and we'll see what happens tomorrow".... "No!" She said. I asked her if she didn't like it and didn't want to read more tomorrow. "No!!! I don't want you to stop! Keep reading tonight!"

Of course, I did.

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