A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Day's End

The sun is setting on a day which ends with a report of could do better. I nearly said I could do better but as one of the items is trying to help J not blame himself for things which are out of his control I probably should heed my own wise words.

We took a hit we haven't taken in a while today. Which threw us a bit. Which is arguably a good sign. Anna was collateral damage though which is pretty heartbreaking.

Tomorrow we must bounce back stronger.

Ironically I couldn't focus on my book on resilience. But on the plus side I am now all caught up on BGT.

And soon to see how different tonight's HIGNFY is from last night's recording.

Lesley x

Later edit: I really shouldn't worry so much. My little family has bounced back already. Especially my amazing daughter. I really hope she knows how amazing she is. And if she doesn't that one day she reads this.

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