The Garden

I've blipped things from the garden before, but never the garden itself - as I've been working on it and spending so much time in it recently I decided it should be recorded.
It's a l-o-n-g straight line - & it's basically four areas (clockwise from top left) that get progressively less formal and cultivated. Hopefully the first two are now a lot less maintenance and area three and four are respectively the fun and the wild bits.

After a morning painting the gates I sent a few emails and then headed over to Ullswater, I was quite surprised how choppy and bouncy the lake was - but the spray was wonderfully welcome. I had a little circumnavigation of Norfolk Island (beautiful, but no nice flora due to geese) and an explore of the opposite shore. Returning to Glencoyne Bay the water was so inviting I went for a swim, an exceedingly rare occurrence.

Philosophy Friday
This week saw one evil lunatic, 22 stolen lives and an immeasurable amount of sorrow in the place I'll always feel I come from. But Manchester also showed the world a whole city of heroes, I'm hugely proud of them all.

"we will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children"
Jimmy Carter. From back when American Presidents talked sense.

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