St James Centre progress

What a beautiful day it has been today in Edinburgh! What a pity that I spent most of it indoors, although I did enjoy lunch at a pavement cafe with my friend and colleague Eleni, and supper outside with Mr hazelh when I eventually made it home after another action-packed day at work.

Today was one of those days when I was reminded of a sign that I saw in the office of a colleague at the University of Edinburgh last year. It reads 'Everyone brings joy to this office: some when they enter; some when they leave'.

I took this photo mainly because I was amused to see faces in one of the windows. Can you spot them? This is one of the new structures at the St James Centre, not far from this rubble blipped on 5th April.

Oh, and over on nadinepierce's journal you can see a cheery Mr hazelh out on his bike today, enjoying the good weather.

Exercise today: walk to work (12,611 steps).

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