By 9:30 we had hitched the loaded caravan to "The Mate's" defender and were ready to depart. We had a false start owing to "somebody" having forgotten to lock the door and leaving their keys hanging in the lock. The rest of the journey was uneventful, partly owing to the driver choosing less main roads.
By mid afternoon we had reached our destination and the caravan was in place. After a short rest we decided to walk along the path, (kindly created by the farmer running the caravan park) to our destination. The extra shows the view from the end of the path looking towards Flamborough Head, with the lighthouse far right.
Looking left you are looking towards the RSPB Bempton Cliffs reserve, which we will be visiting tomorrow. The shot shows a couple of Razorbills on the cliffs very near to where our "private path" joined the public cliff path.
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