
By Lenore

New friends

Today we had a family get-together in Edinburgh.  I managed to take zero photos - far, far too busy chatting to people or, getting children to sleep at a time they may vaguely normally sleep. 

Whilst we were packing up the car, which always takes way longer than you want, my lovely friend entertained the eldest boy.  He loves music, as does she and they spent about an hour singing to each other - and he learnt which keys to press on the piano.  It was quite lovely to watch them together.

We got to the hotel in Edinburgh in time for a quick morning coffee and had a lovely afternoon with lots of family, many of whom we don't see very often and it's always just so nice to see them.  The boys had a wonderful time with cousins, second cousins and others who I can't quite work the relationship out for.  All in all, a great day!

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