Future Olives
Hot and sunny all day, which seems to be encouraging the olive flowers out (turns out the grape flowers came and went when I was otherwise engaged.)
Mostly preparing for TallGirl's sleepover tonight - though I think her Dad must have had a stern chat with her because she was way more help than normal so, bar a last minute fajita rush, all was calm.
And the car is home. Feels good to have a car with brakes again (the replacement was seriously lacking in that area). Sadly he was unable to fix the stick things that hold the boot open, so we still risk decapitation with each shopping trip.
Also my voting pack arrived! Which made me realise I haven't actually figured out who I should be voting for...
So TallGirl and friends have eaten mightily, but have left a gratifying amount of lemon meringue pie for my breakfast. And despite CarbBoy's goading, I did little to deliberately embarrass her (though I did put Walk Like an Egyptian on when she was briefly annoying just to remind her of the power my dance moves can wield over her social standing).
Soon Mr B will be home for an extra long French plus British holiday weekend!
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