Man -- No Dog!

Generally whenyou see someone walking the beach in the morning you can be fairly sure that they are walking the dog, or as in this case they have brought the dog down in order for it to use the beach as a toilet. The hound, a huge Doberman had already been let off the leash and was busily galloping about.
There was a suggestion made some time ago in the local council to ban dogs from all but a few designated beaches. Unfortunately it hasn't become law yet. The dog lobby barks loudly so people still bring their mutts down to the toilet which the rest of us call a recreational area. I have never yet seen an owner clean up the mess. They sometimes do out on the pavement but not on the beach.
Utterly disgusting and a danger to health. It wouldn't be so bad but many of the doggie brigade are totally against smoking even in public places, on health grounds. Come on guys, don't make me laugh!!

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