Katia Breakers

The outer swirling winds of Hurricane Katia hit us with some force today and are still blowing fiercely as I write this at 20.00 hours. Only minor damage as far as I can see but then we havent had the worst of it. Gusts of 130kph have been reported in the west and about 4000 homes are without electricity at present. All we lost was the side gate of the house. The post on which the latch sits was uprooted from the ground and the screws holding the latch itself to the gate were sent into earth orbit. No point trying to fix it until the wind dies down.
Meanwhile at Kilmichael point the waves were flying in pounding the rocks in surf and spray. Impossible to erect a tripod. Indeed it was difficult enough attempting to remain standing and I had to shoot from a sitting position.
Amazing how a storm which started in the Gulf of Mexico or thereabouts can traverse the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean and arrive with such inherent power. Heaven knows what it must be like further out to sea!

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