The rest of forever...

By DrMac

What'dya mean??!

You won't throw my ball again this evening? Seriously? Woman, it's your job to throw my ball! I fetch and you throw. Get with it lady and get throwing!

No dead animal rolling this morning. Harmony in pitch blackness.
Gym was good, my abs were dying on the swiss ball after a 120 second plank x3!

School was. Well, unusually for me, I had a 'cross' day.
I'll not dwell on it or I'll get more cross.

Went into town for a meeting late afternoon and ended up at home slightly earlier than normal. A wet walk and dinner and I've just been reading an MA assignment that one of my colleagues has hour to get through it and write comments, hope she doesn't get easily offended at the sight of red pen!

Time for a little reading before we FaceTime...I so need to talk to you tonight!
Hope you are currently sleeping well and the 1.45am alarm isn't too painful!

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