Dixie Caverns, Salam, VA

We drove to Roanoke and onto Salam today, about 230 miles.

We called into see the Dixie Caverns where we had a guided tour. Very interesting and great to see. The are called Dixie because they were discovered by two boys out with their dog (Dixie) who ran off chasing a rabbit and she fell down the cavern entrance. The boys found her as she was barking and they couldn't believe what they saw. The Landowner was thrilled they had found the caves and the 3 of them worked together to explore the the caverns. They were open to the public in the 1920's.

We walked from our hotel to a restaurant called Famous Anthony's. It was probably only about two thirds of a mile from the hotel so we walked....I'm sure here in the USA people don't walk anywhere...there are hardly any 'sidewalks' and pedestrian crossing are only at 'intersections' if there are any at all!

Now craving vegetables....none of the restaurants we've been to seem to serve them! Salads are in abundance but no veg!

Going up to the Blue Ridge Mountains tomorrow....on the trail of the lonesome pine!

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