The Wind Was Blowing Lustily
There's something awfully satisfying about a line full of washing - maybe something to do about the fact,that I don't iron ha ha. With the added benefit of Free Electricity on a Saturday - thank you British Gas - I throw everything in that is within reaching distance. ;-)
Housework this morning.. shopping at lunchtime, and then allotment this afternoon. I spent a very pleasant couple of hours, mostly chatting, but I also cleared the East and South boundaries - with my newly acquired hand shears. Several Gentlemen said that they could have a hair cut with them afterwards. :-)
Himself, is up a hill. figuratively speaking. He is watching 9 Scouts carrying out an expedition with no adult help. They are walking a route through the Galloway Forrest. Lucky Lads!
Himself will be erecting the tarpaulin tent to sleep under tonight, but he won't be as cosy as me, in my wind dried sheets :-)
I spent a lovely two hours this evening chatting with my pleasantly plished son. He is staying with the lovely G and S whom he officiated their wedding last year, and enjoying a whole new lifestyle - in a busy town - with lots of clubs and social life. Maybe a little too much social life.
Chats too with my wee Babe this morning. Also living life and loving it.
PS- Didnt really go violet - it's a bleaching agent to try and make your hair less ginger (when you are trying to blonde
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