Looking out My Window

I noticed that the yard way across the golf course was in full bloom so I got out my longest telephoto lens and took a photo of the beautiful back yard. You can also see the golfer looking for his ball after a very bad shot. Sometimes when I hear how unhappy a golfer is with his game I think I am the lucky one to be at home working in my garden!  :-)) I tagged this WOMW because I heard we could add more than one photo of what we see out our windows. I enjoyed clicking on the WOMW tag and seeing the view people all around the world have out their window. 

Today was a very informative Garden Club Meeting with an excellent Shade Plant Expert as our Speaker.....and of course I just had to buy a plant from her......it is kind of geranium that does well in mostly shade. Then I came home and worked in my garden; I was so motivated by the beautiful sunny day. I set up my drip system for my deck pots and did a cleanup of my garden bench area. We are going to the beach tomorrow and it is supposed to be quite warm for the next week so I needed to make sure the sprinkler system was working too. There are some advantages to rather consistent days of rain......the garden loves the soaking. Today I am sore, but happy to get so much done. Staying busy is good for me.
This community is like no other.....everyone is so supportive. Of course, we have a shared love for photography and many of you share my love for birds & nature, but it is a compassion and caring attitude that is so different here on Blipfoto. There is comfort in that kind of encouragement. Thanks.

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