Another Hummingbird

I loved the bright color of his head and the action seen clearly of his wings. I must have had the shutter speed set longer than usual? Anyway, he is pretty and the movement of the wings shows. I liked the background color too.  Our day was cloudy, but there was a ray of light....I needed that today.

Hubby will be back from fishing tonight. I will go to another lacrosse game before he gets home ...this time with my granddaughter, she is playing up on the Varsity team so she probably won't play as much as usual. She is a "star" on the JV team.  :-)) Although she was upset that she only made the JV team, it has been so fun watching her score the most goals and lead the team to wins. It has been a confidence booster. I look forward to seeing my daughter again at the game....checking in with her.  :-))

Thanks for looking at my little bug bee? ...whatever, your comments were very encouraging and sweet. Thanks.

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