Something Of Myself
A whole day looking after my baby granddaughter - what bliss! And what an angel she was, too! Wonderful moments to cherish.....
But no blip material until after she had gone back home. Those of you who are following Emma Davies' 'Year With My Camera' course will know that today's email was about bringing something of yourself into your photos. Well, I think that's what I do on a daily basis - I always say that I shoot with my heart and don't always think to engage my head as well! Anyway, today, I have more deliberately taken her advice and chosen a photo that I took early this evening purely for me and the joy that taking photos gives me - but maybe some of you will like it, too. It's cluttered and chaotic but has its own beauty. I think it reflects one side of me - but there are many other sides, too, as those who regularly visit my journal will see from the many different types of image I blip. It's being able to pour myself into my images that makes photography so much fun and why I am so passionate about it! I hope you have as much fun creating your images, too!
Much better seen in high res on the black background!
Huge thanks for everything, as always!
Ann :))
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