
My morning started painfully with a skull splitting migraine. Thankfully some pain killers and a reboot snooze made it more manageable.

Before long I was out in the garden dealing with the felled branches from yesterday, splitting them down to burn on a big fire. The dogs watched on, in awe and admiration I'd like to think...but I suspect it was probably concern for the idiot working with sharp things and fire.

Meanwhile, Gorgeous returned from a trip in to town and took the chainsaw to the huge tree trunk...whilst i watched on concerned for the idiot with the sharp tools and the huge, about to topple tree.

Walkies happened some time amid all the above. It was north from Yesnaby. Talisker was very happy.

Later there was a trip out for Gorgeous to buy himself a mighty fine road bike. I am now married to a man with 2 bicycles...I created a monster and it is growing...

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