
Hooray hooray hooray - I was up & showered PRE 10am!! Nate's been super chilled & happy all day! 
I had a VERY exciting birthday delivery sister bought me the most gorgeous handmade ring! There's an awful phone pic in extras, one day I'll photograph it properly! I absolutely love it, I love the chunkiness of it & the fresh colours of the stones. Thankyou Han, you mad, generous, wonderful, sister!!!

We met up with Neil & Brenda for lunch - we went to a little italian place that's owned by parents of Asha's friend...Asha was delighted that friend T was there. 

Tonight was Caña Club...lovely to sit round with them & hear people's news and the details of their weeks since we last met up. And then to round off a great day, we bumped into Tchani on the way home!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Han's crazy amazing generosity! 
2) A phone call with my wonderful Auntie Anthea.
3) Showering pre 10 - it made me feel like the world/day was my oyster!

I had to add 2 extras of the girls as they were just so gorgeous. 

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